CostCo Distribution Centre
Tensar’s TensarTech® GreenSlope and TensarTech NaturalGreen reinforced earth slope systems offered a sustainable and cost-effective solution to building a huge environmental bund for a new distribution centre.
- Maximising development space and minimising visual impact
- Re-use of poor-quality site-won marginal fills
- Reducing materials costs
Construction of Costco’s UK distribution centre near Crick, Northamptonshire, included major earthworks, that involved building a 258m long, 15.5m high earth bund to minimise the building’s impact on the surrounding landscape. In addition, Costco also wanted to minimise costs by re-using all site-won fill material.
Tensar’s reinforced soil slope solutions enabled poor quality, site-won clay fill to be used to build the bund and to give it a natural vegetated finish. TensarTech GreenSlope formed the 70° slope along most of the bund, maximising development space, with TensarTech NaturalGreen forming shallower slopes at both ends. The approach eliminated material exports and meant only small amounts of imported fill were needed, saving money and reducing the scheme’s environmental impact.